Elementary School Highlights & Traditions
Core Knowledge Day
In celebration of our Core Knowledge curriculum, staff and students are invited to dress up according to the grade level unit they are currently studying (i.e. Romans, Medieval knights and ladies, and Egyptians).
Service Learning Projects
Each school year elementary students participate in a grade-level specific service learning project. Service learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. Past projects have included partnerships with Project: THRIVE!, and Kids Against Hunger.
Character Assemblies
Once a month, elementary students meet for an assembly period. During these times, guest speakers and performers present on a wide range of interesting topics aligning with an aspect of the school’s mission and vision. Each assembly also provides in-depth instruction on an important character theme such as respect, responsibility, perseverance, courage, and honesty.